Romans and the Carthaginians Fiesta September 2014 – Comaskey Properties

Romans and the Carthaginians Fiesta September 2014

We have mentioned this wonderful fiesta only 40 minutes away from La Zenia in previous years and highly recommend visiting, even arranging flights to here when it is on. The re-enactment of the battle between the Romans and the Carthaginians is well worth seeing, and has been declared as being of National Tourist Interest and is one of the best fiestas in Spain. It takes place annually, this year it will be held between the 20th and 29th September.

A little bit of history makes it easier to understand the events. The fiesta reacts the story of two powerful nations; the Romans and the Carthaginians, competing for the trading routes of the Mediterranean.
The town was originally named Mastia. Possessing one of the best harbours in the Western Mediterranean, it was re-founded by the Carthaginian general Hasdrubal in 228 BC as Qart Hadasht (“New City”), (or Carthage) for the purpose of serving as a stepping-off point for the conquest of Spain.

By 300BC the Romans had become very powerful and wanted to take control of the trading routes, so they embarked on the 1st Punic War. They did not succeed and agreed to a truce. Peace reigned for a further 80 years, until 219BC. It was broken when the Carthaginians decided to attack one of the Roman settlements. Then Hannibal, departed in 217BC on his famous journey over the Alps with his 37 elephants to attack Rome and claim it for the Carthaginians.

The Romans took their chance, invaded Cartagena and conquered a relatively undefended Cartagena during the 2nd Punic War in 209 BC and renamed it as Carthago Nova (literally, New New City) to distinguish it from the mother city. The city was very relevant both in the Carthaginian and the Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula.

Each day during the fiesta various parts of the story are re-enacted.The fiesta takes place in two main locations; one at the port and the other at the football ground. The ‘Festival Camp’ is located in the football stadium and is a great place to visit as there is a lot going on. It is the site for some of the re-enactments and the headquarters for each association, the location of the artesian and craft market and the place to enjoy locally produced traditional food and drink. The port is the site for many of the battles, including the big one when the Romans arrive by boat and take control of the city.

The wonderful thing about this fiesta is the amount of effort and detail put into it. The costumes are worthy of the film sets of Braveheart and Gladiator and the main battle is organised brilliantly with stunt riders on horses, the clashing of steel swords, pyrotechnic effects, brilliantly set on a large field below the castle grounds.

There is a bit of walking if you wish to see everything but not too much and there is a wonderful family atmosphere. Our recommendation is to book a hotel for the night, enjoy it, and take the opportunity to see some of the wonderful sights Cartagena has to offer.

If you need any information or advice please email Amanda on [email protected] and she will be happy to help.

Main Programme of Events 2014
Friday 26th September
19:00 Punic Preamble through the central streets of the city.
20:30 Landing of the Cartaginian Navy and the hiring of mercenaries in the Plaza Heroes de Cavite.
22:00 Hannibal Marchs to Rome. Route: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Mayor, Puerta de Murcia, del Carmen, Plaza de Espana, Alameda de San Anton, Soldado Rosique, Puente Carthago Nova finishing at the Festival Camp.
00:00 The Plans of the Gods (women of town ask the Gods to aid their men in the battle) at the Festival Camp.

Saturday 27th September
17:15 Landing of the Roman Army at the Port.
18:00 Great Battle to conquer Qart-Hadast at the Cuesta del Batel.
20:00 Great Military March of victory after the surrender of the city. Route: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Mayor, Puerta de Murcia, del Carmen, Plaza de Espana, Alameda de San Anton, Soldado Rosique, Puente Carthago Nova finishing at the Festival Camp.
21:15 Surrender of the city and release of the hostages of Carthago, delivery of the two crowns and the proclamation of the law of Rome at the stage along the Explanada del Puerto.

Sunday 28th September
13:30 Tribute to the Romans fallen in the battle at the Monumento Funerario Torreciega.
19:00 Great Parade of the Troops and Legions. Route: Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Mayor, Puerta de Murcia, del Carmen, Plaza de Espana, Alameda de San Anton, Soldado Rosique, Puente Carthago Nova finishing at the Festival Camp.

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