Zenia Natural Organic Store – La Zenia – Comaskey Properties

Lots of people are talking about food these days, where it comes from and how it came to be in the first place.
Its difficult to know what is organic and what that word even means anyway.
For me the key is to eat any fruit or veg that is not treated with any pesticides or chemicals, that is grown close to where I live and sold to me by the farmer himself rather than a supermarket chain.

Its a difficult thing to find but we now have a source on healthy fresh food and veg in La Zenia.
The health store Zenia Natural and the lovely Sara are the ones who are providing us with the service.
If you place an order on Friday, your organic “Fruta and Verdura ecological” will be ready for pick up the following Tuesday.
Its all sourced and grown locally and as well as being healthy, its very fairly priced and delicious.
We can´t see any price difference in fact in the organic stuff and the veg that is too perfectly formed which we are offered in the shops.
Carrots in our house are no longer that perfect orange colour and are not of a standard shape and size. It appears anything can happen when they just grow naturally.
Did you know that some vegetables these days are actually seasonal?? Its not like that in some supermarkets and that’s a worry. How can they produce those perfect shaped, vegetables 365 days a
year if they only grow for half of the year?
Ordering in Spanish can be fun and sometimes means that instead of a cabbage like we grew up with in Westmeath, its very easy to get an “Almeria cabbage” instead!!
This is a cabbage unique to the area which you can actually eat raw but tastes great in a stew.
If we hadn´t ordered it by mistake, we´d never have known it even existed.

Sara has a full range of organic Spanish fruits and veg, eggs, goats milk, and way more and we highly recommend her to all our clients and friends. She is based on Avenida de la Playa n/1, La Zenia, Orihuela costa, Alicante. Spain – Tel: 96 611 6503 645012229

http://zenianatural.es/es/ Facebook: Zenia Natural: Herbolario & Terapias Naturales. Health Shop. Krauterhaus (This has a good selection of articles which you can easily translate online)

Ian Comaskey


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