Why move from UK or Ireland to Spain? – Comaskey Properties

I did research for a recent blog post on the reason why people should move from the UK to Spain. Specifically I was interested in how much money a person, despite earning a big income in say London or Dublin, would save by moving to Spain. UK residents are some of the highest earners the the EU yet they put less money into their pockets after expenses than almost any country in Europe.

While I was doing my research, I noticed an HSBC survey comparing the UK and Spain, 34 countries in total.   The figures made the hair stand on the back of my neck!! If you are reading this while living in the UK you need to book the family on a one way Ryan air flight ASAP.

So, the first place Spain hammers the UK is the typical diet. British people eat less healthily than 33 of the 34 countries surveyed. Again, I just want to state these figures come from the giant HSBC, not from us.

The UK comes in LAST in the league of accommodation on the list. It appears housing everywhere is better than the UK in terms of value for money.

The opportunity for doing sport in Spain is 12th on the list.  I thought it would be higher but the UK comes in at 31st from 34 countries examined.

Social life in the UK is a distance behind Spain according to those surveyed.

Healthcare in the UK is way behind as is quality of the daily commute to work.

I guess if people are commuting more, exercising less and eating bad food its only natural they are getting sick?

So overall, Spain comes in as the 4th best country in the World to move to.

The UK I´m sorry to report comes in second last.

Time to quit that stressful job, get the kids into Spanish school and start living right here on the Costa Blanca.

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