Weather on the Costa Blanca – Comaskey Properties

The Weather on the Costa Blanca is one article I never thought I´d have to write. Comaskey Properties spend tens of thousands every year getting our USP across to potential property buyers coming to Spain. We spend thousand per month on SEO, we attend exhibitions, support local charities, come up with clever ads and then to our horror I learned the truth today- none of it matters.
In a survey conducted at a major foreign property exhibition including property in Spain, guests were asked why they would choose to buy a property on the Costa Blanca. Well, its Simple- its sunny here.
This was by far the most popular reason for clients to buy villas and apartments on the Costa Blanca and beat all our personal favorites…
Proximity to the airports,
Cost of Living
La Liga football
Abundance of golf courses
Laid back way of life etc etc
People want to come to La Zenia because its sunny!
So, back to the main topic- the weather in Spain… Today, although its the first week in December we reached 17 degrees Celsius- that’s 63 Fahrenheit for our American friends. Importantly the compares well with Crete 16 C, Tunis 14C, Costa Del Sol 12 C, and Malta 13 C. Here are the fun comparisons though…. Neither London, Dublin nor Glasgow will get above 5 C tomorrow according to the Weather Channel.
Between Norway, Sweden and Denmark the only capital city with predicted temperates of above zero this week is Copenhagen hoping to hit a sultry 1 C this week. Is it any wonder so many Scandinavians are buying property in Spain!
In reality, for the exciting temperatures on the Costa Blanca, you have to look at June, July and August- average temperates of 25, 27 and 29. Even the Mediterranean heats up, it´s about 15C this time of the year but we reach 25C in August.
Many will claim their preferred temperatures are during the months either side of the summer- Its not too hot for golf, beach or work for those of us who still have to do that activity.
Best way to sample the weather in Spain for all of those who said it was the most important factor in choosing to buy a property here- get yourself on a flight to Alicante!
For details on inspection trips contact Cla[email protected] today!

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