Vastu what? – Comaskey Properties

We deal with so many houses, apartments and villas at Comaskey Properties – having sold over €200 million worth of properties around La Zenia over the last decade – that we really do believe there is more to a house than bricks and mortar. Often, the people living there make a house a home – no matter whether it is a compact two bedroom apartment in Playa Flamenca, or a sprawling beachside villa with a private pool in Cabo Roig.  Little touches like the right orientation, perfect furniture or the art hanging on the walls can make or break a successful property sale for our clients.

A new school of thought we have discovered recently – and we thought we’d share it with you to see what you make of it – is called Vastu Shastra.  Now, when we say it’s new, we are lying through our teeth.  It has been around for centuries.  We mean it is new to us.  The easiest way to describe Vastu Shastra is like a Feng Shui for properties.

(For those scratching their heads and thinking “But, what is Feng Shui when it’s at home?” – it is an ancient Chinese metaphysical practice of harmonizing people with their surrounding environment.  Basically, arranging the stuff in your home so that good energy flows through you, your home and your life).

We would describe Vastu Shastra as Feng Shui’s Hindu cousin.  It is an ancient science incorporating energy flow into architecture and construction.  The practice incorporates traditional Hindu – and even sometimes Buddhist – beliefs.  The intention behind Vastu Shastra is to blend architecture with nature in order to harness good energy.  Vastu Shastra designs integrate the structure of a building with a set of ancient beliefs, geometric patterns (known as yantra), symmetry and energy.

While not a rigid set of rules and regulations, the writings of Vastu Shastra are more akin to a set of guidelines for organizing structure, space and form in a building – or group of buildings – based on their functions and usage.  Ancient Mandir (Hindu Temples) incorporate the principles of Vastu Shastra. Even Jaipur, the capital of the Rajasthan state in India, was built in the early 1700s incorporating many of the principles of Vastu Shastra.

But how would this ancient Hindu art apply to modern day properties here on the Costa Blanca?  Modern day practitioners of Vastu Shastra believe that the art has not changed, despite the passing of the centuries.  They don’t describe it is ‘magic’ or a ‘mythological practice’ but rather as an actual science, concerning the vibrations and energy of every single thing on earth.  As modern scientists will agree, every single component on the planet is made up of atoms, each one with its own unique energy or vibration.

Modern Vastu Shastra practitioners tell us that the rules of Vastu Shastra follow the laws of nature and aim to create and maintain a balance between humans and the natural world.

Vastu Shastra is centred around the five basic elements called the “Panch Maha Bhoota”.  It is these five elements which Vastu Shastra claims the world is made of:

  1. Earth
  2. Water
  3. Air
  4. Fire
  5. Space

Each of these elements is said to have its own energy frequency, which can be positive or negative.  By understanding and applying the principles of Vastu Shastra, we can channel positive energies into our lives.  According to the encyclopedia of Vastu Shastra, “Vastu shastra is based on various energies that comes from atmosphere like solar energy from sun, cosmic energy, lunar energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy, light energy, wind energy. These energies can be balanced to enhance peace, prosperity and success.”

Modern day principles of Vastu Shastra could help you channel more positive energy into your life.  If you own a property on the Costa Blanca, or are thinking of buying here in La Zenia or surrounding towns, why not consider applying the fundamentals of Vastu Shastra to your buying choice.  Here are some of the main principles to consider:

  • The entrance should preferably be from the north or east with more door and window openings in these directions if possible.
  • If you are considering a ‘finca’ or rural property, an underground water-tank or a well should be situated in the north eastern part of the plot.
  • Your kitchen should preferably be located in the south-east or in the north-west part of the property.
  • You should avoid placing toilets in the south west or north east corner of your home.
  • Ground level at the north and east of the plot should be lower than those in the south and west. Surrounding levels should be such that rainwater flows towards the north or east.
  • Your overall plot should be either a square or a rectangle with its south-west angle of 90 degrees and a north-east angle of less than 90.

There is specific advice for almost every room of your home – the kitchen, study, a child’s bedroom, living room and more – most of the tips can be found in books on Vastu Shastra, consulting an expert in the practice or (if you are patient enough to siphon through the rubbish) by doing a Google search.  Like its Chinese counterpart Feng Shui, there are Vastu Shastra tips for success, wealth, health and good fortune.  One of our favourites is “Always keep your front gate clean and free from clutter” – it makes perfect sense, it is the gateway to your home and creates the first impression for you, your friends and – in many cases – potential buyers.

As we said, there is Vastu Shastra advice specific to every room of the home, but as a guide, we have compiled a few tips for applying Vastu Shastra to a couple’s bedroom:

  • A couple’s bedroom should be located in North-west or South west portion of house.
  • Avoid the South-east corner for a couple’s bedroom as this can lead to arguments.
  • When positioning the bed, couples must sleep with their heads towards South and feet pointing North.
  • An exposed mirror should not feature in a couple’s bedroom.
  • TV screens, computer monitors and other reflective screens should be veiled when not in use.
  • If possible, avoid TVs and computers altogether in the couple’s bedroom.  According to Vastu Shastra, the electromagnetic rays and vibrations from such objects create stress and tension.

So there you have it. A crash course in Vastu Shastra brought to you by Comaskey Properties in La Zenia.  If you’d like one of our experienced team to come along and offer advice about selling your home on the Costa Blanca (although, they’re not great believers in ancient Chinese or Hindu arts – they know their stuff when it comes to buying and selling property in Spain) we’d be delighted to hear from you.  Give our friendly crew in La Zenia a call on 966 77 34 53.

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