Unusual Job for a Comaskey Client


I hope that you and the family are well and I am sure that your youngsters will be getting ready for Christmas(and their presents).

In the local paper, Costa Blanca People, I read with interest your dad’s article on “why anyone would volunteer to be a referee”. As a recent joinee to the ranks of referees, could you pass on this response. For my sins (and due to my legs giving out) I now referee football matches at the local sports ground, the London Metropolitan Police Sports ground at Imbercourt, Surrey. As it is about 2 minutes walk from my house and the games are played on a Sunday morning, I was asked to do it by a personal friend who is an ex-policeman. I referee, mainly, for the Vet Police matches. I enjoy watching these ‘older guys’ still get the enjoyment of using skills ‘that they once had in their younger days’ but mostly don’t have, now.

But the main pleasure, for me, happened a couple of weeks ago (and secretly, this is probably why I agreed to do it), when there was an incident on the park. There was a ‘sort of sliding’ tackle on one of the Police Vets, which was 50/50 whether it was a foul or not, so I let play continue and turned my back to the incident. While the play had swiftly moved to the other end of the park, I heard a cafuffle, behind me and as I turned around, the Vet Policeman, who had been tackled, let rip a punch on the ‘tackler’. As I had seen the ‘punch’, I had no option but to send him off. So, I got to book and send off a Policeman. Now not many people, in their life, get that opportunity and satisfaction. So that is my rationale for refereeing. By the way, the part of the conflict, that I had missed, as my eyes were focussed on the game at another part of the pitch, was that the original ‘tackler’, after the ball had been cleared was the instigator of the incident where the policemen punched him and as I hadn’t seen this, he never even got booked. What you might call ‘rough justice’.

By the way, I see business in La Zenia is good and that you are expanding into other offices. As I had to go into Ibredrola at La Zenia Boulevard, I bumped into Susie, in your office next door to the Iberdrola office. The reason for this comment is a recommendation of sorts. The Customer Service person (a girl), in the Ibredrola office was ‘super’ helpful. She is English but has been out in Spain for 20 years and from what I picked up, with a discussion that she was having on the phone with another Spanish customer, she is totally fluent in both English & Spanish. So if you’re looking for new personnel, you may want to take a look in next door to your La Zenia Boulevard office.

kind regards & and good Christmas to you and yours


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