Two Major Public Buildings in Torrevieja closed and more in danger – Comaskey Properties

Two Major Public Buildings in Torrevieja in danger of closing

The main Torrevieja theatre, the Teatro Municipal, which has been open 10 years, has been closed due to apparently it not having an opening licence and having a lack of certification by the architect. A technical report has identified so many repairs and modifications needed that it will cost 9.8 million euros to have the building compliant to meet health and safety standards.

The modifications are to be carried out, and in the meantime, the building will be closed and events moved to other locations. It is also reported that the Town hall intends to take anyone responsible for deficiencies in the building to Court, including members of the previous government if found responsible.

Straight after that news, it then emerged that there are also problems with other buildings and the Centro Cultural Virgin de Carmen has also suffered a similar fate, again due to it not having an opening licence and there being concerns over health and safety. The Councillor in charge of this is also looking at other buildings such as the Palacio de La Musíca, and bars and restaurants. The well known 222 Tropic Bar has been closed for safety deficiencies.

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