Thinking Of Opening A Bar In Spain ? – Comaskey Properties

How to get legal on the Costa Blanca.

We have been buying and selling commercial properties here on the Costa Blanca as far back as 2002. We´ve done bars, restaurants, cafes and of course four property offices in La Zenia alone. 

Investors can find the process complicated but it need not be.  Firstly, you need to get yourself legal and re­gistered  with the Spe­cial So­cial Se­cur­ity scheme for self em­ployed or Autonomo workers. You are then en­titled to amongst other benefits, local health care and if you may actually earn a pension for yourself down the road. Autonomo, if you have never worked here or you are long term unemployed costs 50 euro per month to be totally legal and goes as high as 250 euro per month depending on your income and number of months you´ve worked in Spain. As a rule of thumb, if you´ve worked as a self employed person for longer than 18 months, you cannot get discounts on the self employment payment.  You will have cer­tain es­sen­tial ex­penses- tax, VAT, so­cial se­cur­ity, utilities, ac­count­ancy fees, in­sur­ance, etc

A tax re­turn like in all european countries is made in Spain for a self em­ployed per­son and is made an­nu­ally in June.  You may have other tax re­turns to present in Spain de­pend­ing on whether or not you need to pay rent for a busi­ness unit or whether you have em­ploy­ees etc. Like it would at home, your net profit is what you are taxed on. All your expenses are tax deductible- Just proving the benefits of being totally legal.

A big thing for investors particularly in the bar business on the Costa Blanca is the licence situation. Good news, it’s easier than you imagine. If you think about it, McDonalds, our kids play area and the go cart track all serve alcohol. It is super simple to get a licence once you use a good fiscal firm. Spanish Solutions have provided us with this information so we better plug them here – Check out their website,

If the commercial unit has never had a bar or you are changing the use (for example adding hot food or live music to the licence) then you need to get Antonio, our architect to prepare you a “project”. He will do this, and then you can apply for the licence. The cost is around 1,500 euro. With the copy of this licence you will be allowed to trade even without the licence being approved by the Orihuela Costa town hall. It may take 5 months for the town hall to approve the licence but should the local police come in looking for the Licencia de Apertura you simply show them where you have the application displayed on the wall (important point) and then you should be fine.

If the premises you are taking over was a bar previously, a change of ownership of the licence can be applied for by Spanish Solutions and the ball park fee for this is 300 euro – That´s it. It is that simple, all things being equal to get your bar or cafe open here on the Costa Blanca.

If you are thinking of do it, move now and you´ll still get the full benefit of the summer season!!

Comaskey have a range of commercial units for sale and lease on the Costa Blanca. Many of these cannot be displayed on the web site due to the owners desire to keep the  fact that they are selling quiet. If you´d like to look at some commercial ideas over here then please get in touch – [email protected]

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