Spanish Solutions Front Page of the CostaBlanca People! – Comaskey Properties

Spanish Solutions help “Builder Mortgage” victims

In October 2013 a client was introduced to our sister company, Spanish Solutions, by a local newspaper as despite having paid in full for his house, and unbeknown to him for many years, the deeds were not transferred into his name, and the property developer that built it had a large mortgage on it.  He could not pay off the mortgage and was expecting to lose his house. He is now one of many people that Spanish Solutions are acting for in a Class Action to see justice done and save many people´s homes.

The debt was there because they were one of perhaps hundreds of people that during the boom in Spain gave a prominent legal firm in Torrevieja power of attorney to act for them in the purchase of their properties, and some time after they found out that the law firm never signed for the properties at the Notary, so the properties remained in the builder´s name.  The paper introduced this client to Spanish Solutions to see if they could help and when he told his story, Spanish Solutions´ barrister realised that this was misrepresentation at best and possibly worse.  The lawyer who acted for these clients in the purchase of their properties had a professional duty to take care of the client and ensure that all was correct before the final amount was paid for the property (and ensure they got the deeds), as Spanish Solutions always do, so the barrister felt there was an avenue of legal action against the Torrevieja firm which was supposed to be representing these clients and also the estate agent, well known in the UK, who introduced the lawyer and worked with them.
The story of how Spanish Solutions is helping these clients is front page of the main paper on the Costa Blanca today; the Costa Blanca People,  This is just one of the many things that this firm every day do to help clients that live, work, or are buying or own property in Spain.

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