Spanish leadership in action – Comaskey Properties

This was a piece written by a client of ours sent to “The Times” expressing his delight with Captain Olazabal! Thanks for the use Malcolm.

“Sir, regarding your article “Analysis Europe’s captaincy”, Boy!!! did your correspondent get it wrong. What a result for Olazabal, whose calibre as our Ryder team’s captain, your correspondent questioned. Who, on the last hole with Molinari 1 down against Tiger Woods, walked beside the Italian, who, as the trophy had already been retained, was willing to concede his match to Woods. Olazabal told him that he could still win the last hole that would give Europe an outright win 14 ½ to 13 ½. And what was the final result, 14 ½ to 13 ½ in Europe’s favour. Captaincy, at the very highest level, of any sport. An unwillingness to even concede until the last ball was played. Seve would not have allowed Molinari to concede, even although the trophy was won, neither did Olazabal. No higher compliment can be paid.

Malcolm Mclean”

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