Saurines de La Torre, Polaris World. – Comaskey Properties

We recently visited Saurines golf resort on a Paddys Point golf society outing and we were surprisingly impressed.

This resort you may remember was the little sister of La Torre golf resort on the main motorway to Murcia and was originally called “Terrazas de la Torre”.

When the Spanish property bubble burst 7 years ago we thought this particular resort would not possibly survive but Polaris World have done a rescue deal with the banks and they are now selling apartments on the golf course for 64,100 euro which we originally marketed at 125,000 and higher.

It’s true the Paramount theme park may never get built and the new airport called Corvera International airport, well… who knows?

The Intercontinental hotel has closed and Polaris World is almost a bad word amongst Spanish Real Estate agents.

Having spend a few hours here however, I think we are just about ready to start recommending Saurines to our buyers again.

For 59,900 euro you can have your very own two bedroom apartment of about 65m2 with a decent terrace of 20m2, with views over the Jack Nicklaus golf course- It’s super value for money- these are cheap Golf properties, just a few minutes drive to the sea and to San Javier airport. We don’t know of any other golf resort on Spain where you can have front line, uninterupted views over a stunning Nicklaus resort for this sort of cash.

The apartments are well build, the resort is safe, clean, well maintained and the golf course is really very good.

We wrote a blog about Saurines and it can be found just here.

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