Ryanair Woman – Comaskey Properties

Ryanair goes too far!
Social Networks and mainstream TV news channels in Spain are buzzing at the latest catastrophic PR disaster from Irish airline Ryanair.
A lady passenger has been removed by two Civil Guards (Spanish Police) and we believe charged after a bizarre set of events.
The woman checked a bag, went through the security gates but on reaching the plane the Ryanair stewardess told her that she could not take on board her pencil case size bag with a book inside and an a4 size poster. She was only allowed one item- the fee would be 50 euro. This was bad.
The lady agreed to pay without fuss but her credit card was declined by Ryanair´s machine. This was really bad but got worse when she realised that she had no cash- Other passengers offered to put her book into their hand luggage but were told that’s against Ryan air policy and anyone attempting to do this would be “putting the security of the flight at risk”.
Bottom line, the lady was physically removed from the plane pleading “show some Christain charity” by two uniformed officers to cries of “Shame on you” by the other passengers.
Surely its time for Ryanair to do somethign about thier customer service? Thats said they did report record profits of 600 million euro for the first half of 2012- they deliver on their promise… “we´re cheap”.
This is one of the videos taken of the scene.

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