Running A Comaskey Costa Blanca Franchise – Comaskey Properties

Do you have what it takes to be a real estate success?

There are questions that you need to ask yourself before you commit to buying a Comaskey franchise on the Costa Blanca here in Spain.
Please note, we are not trying to talk you out of the franchise as such, we just much prefer for you to realize now it won’t work rather than three or four years into our relationship.
So, what do you need to ask yourself?

Firstly, can you see yourself doing this?
Are your family prepared to uproot and relocate to Spain?
Do you have the support of your family- I mean real support. If you have a tough client will they understand and remind you of all the positive reason to live and work in Spain, enough to get you out of bed next day to face it all over again?
Are you prepared to talk to clients of different backgrounds, beliefs and persuasions?
Are you physically strong enough to do this? Jumping in and out of your car to climb up a flights of stairs with the clients in tow on a hot July day can be tougher than you’d think.
Are you motivated? Comaskey are providing you with a business system yes, but you must be the one to meet the client, show then the house and close the deal.
Will you enjoy this business? Real Estate in Spain is fun for us, we’ve been doing it full time since 2002 but do you enjoy talking to people or are you a shrinking violet?
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Both professionally and physically.

Why don’t you speak to your family and friends and ask then do they think you can do it? These people knew you best and maybe they can give you the most unbiased information.
Running a Real Estate business in Spain is super fun- we love it. Just make sure that it’s right for you before signing on the dotted line!

The information here shall not be con­strued as con­sti­tut­ing ad­vice to you or any other per­son, as our ad­vice de­pends on all the cir­cum­stances of the per­son con­cerned. Noth­ing con­tained here con­sti­tutes in­vest­ment, legal, tax or other ad­vice nor is it to be re­lied on in mak­ing any de­cision. You should ob­tain rel­ev­ant and spe­cific up to date pro­fes­sional ad­vice from ex­perts be­fore mak­ing any de­cision.

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