Recipe for Pavo Trufado De Navidad – Comaskey Properties

PAVO TRUFADO DE NAVIDAD ( Christmas turkey stuffed with truffles).

A typical Spanish Tradition at Christmas:



1 Turkey of 4kg

½ kg of Minced veal

½ kg of Minced lean pork

Salt & Ground black pepper

1 Glass of Brandy

1 Large glass of oloroso sherry

150g ´´Jamon Serrano´´ ideally.

3 Tins (eq:90g) of Truffles (Mushrooms)

200g Belly of pork in rashers

6 Eggs.


How to prepare:

Place the turkey upside down, cut the skin along the backbone, then using the fingers, ease away the skin in one piece, first on one side of the backbone and then on the other. It is elastic and should come away easily. Do not worry about making a mess.

Keep the breasts apart, making fillets of the thickest parts and cutting into strips. Remove the meat from the legs and wings, etc., and mince it with the pork and veal, putting it all into a bowl. Season the turkey with salt and ground black pepper, sprinkle with the brandy and sherry, add the chopped truffles with their juice, and the ham. Then add the belly of pork in strips. Leave to marinate for 4 hours, together with the beaten eggs.

Remove the sliced truffles and the strips of ham and belly of pork, and reserve. Then knead together the filling thoroughly by hand.

Now spread out the skin of the turkey on the working surface and lay the fillets on top like the pages of a book. Cover the breasts with a layer of the minced meat and then with one of ham and belly of pork strips, breasts and slices of truffle, repeating the operation until the ingredients are used up. Using a stout needle, sew together the edges of the skin and also the holes made by the wings and legs. This will tidy up any loose bits and later present the turkey in a pretty neat way.

Place the sew-up skin with its filling on a white napkin, roll it around and sew with large stitches, then tie it into a roll with uncolored string.

Put the roll into a large saucepan, together with the cut up carcass and cut up vegetables and pour the bottle of dry sherry over this ensemble. Add the ham bones, the gelatin and a few egg shells. Cover with 3 liters of cold water and boil briskly for 3 hours (1 ½ hours each side is advised), seasoning with salt and ground pepper. Make sure that it is evenly cooked, then remove the roll and leave it on a dish to drain and cool.

Remove the cloth in which it is wrapped in, wring out the juice into the cooking liquid, rinse out the cloth and again wrap up the roll without sewing. Put it on a dish, place a chopping board on top, and on top of this a weight of 3 or 4 kg. Press for 12 hours and then put into the refrigerator.


Boil the cooking liquid without a lid, reducing it to 1 liter if converting it into a jelly. If strained, this makes a magnificent soup or consomme. Cut the roll into 1cm thick slices.

Serve with puree of apples and plums and decorate with slices of fresh pineapples, orange and with maraschino cherries.



8 egg yolks

A few drops of vanilla essence

1 pint milk

2 tbls. syrup

4 oz. sugar

Heat 3 tbls., of sugar with ½ tbls., of water until it is of a brown caramel consistency. Pour into an oven-proof dish or little individual dishes, which have previously been dipped into cold water and not dried (this prevents sticking). Make a custard by beating the yolks well, adding the milk and vanilla flavoring and pour into the caramel-lined dish or dishes and bake for about 20 minutes. Cool, then turn out and keep in cool place until served.

Now you are ready for a Christmas feast!

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