Property in Murcia region? Reduction of IBI/Suma if you have a positive EPC… – Comaskey Properties

The local government of Murcia region of announced that from January 1, 2016, “Houses that make more efficient use of energy will see reduced property tax up to 20% depending on its energy category.”

According to the PP, the main objective is to encourage the improvement of energy efficiency of urban real estate, so they will give a discount or rebate on SUMA tax or IBI. Garcia said that from now, Murcia will pay “more attention to the energy label of your home”. Really this is intended to encourage the construction and purchase of energy efficient real estate and boost employment associated with schemes for obtaining the maximum energy efficiency.

The reduction of IBI of SUMA to those properties that make more efficient use of energy, will also be in addition to other possible reductions for homes equipped with solar power installations.

The property tax discounts depend on the energy rating of the property: It will be up to 16% for type B certificate, up to 12% for C, up to 8% for D, up 4% for E; but will not be possible to apply any reduction to homes that have F and G certificate or do not have anything.

We can arrange Energy Efficiency certificates in our office. An architect has to come and visit.

But we must pre-warn clients that unless you have done a lot to your property energy efficiency wise, it is very difficult to get a certificate that has the higher grades (they are generally F and G certificates for resales always).

This does not apply to the Valencian community.

Please contact [email protected] should you wish to arrange an EPC (when not for a purchase or a sale). If for a purchase or a sale, then please write to [email protected]

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