May 2012 Newsletter – Comaskey Properties


Elche Football Club

At the time of going to print, it looks like not even Elche can blow this and the region will have a representative at the top table in Spanish football next season.They currently sit 12 points clear at the top of the second division having played two games more than nearest rivals Alcocon.

I was talking to a Paddle friend of mine who is a season ticket holder and he was explaining what Elche are doing differently off the field. Its a new strategy – They are trying to sell stuff most notably, seats in their stadium. They offered half season tickets at a discounted rate, offer seats for as little as 5 euro and even give free tickets to their members to bring along friends and family members to get the stadium full. There were 25,000 spectators there last week – the highest in the 2nd tier and after last weeks win against Villa Real promotion is within touching distance and should be confirmed this week. Elche were once in the top division for 17 consecutive years and after the heartbreak and financial collapse of Real Murcia and Hercules, Elche could be the club flying the local flag in La Liga for some time to come.

The Maletin (little suitcase)

If you are going to rig a football match please do not put it in a text message. Mid table´s Levante players before their game against relegation threatened Deportivo sent text messages to members of the equally relegation threatened Granda telling them … wait for this… that they had been offered cash to throw the game, thus helping Depor stay up and wondered if Granada would increase the offer to ensure they actually tried to win the game against Granda´s rivals. Make sense?

The Maletin (or little suitcase) remains one of the most amazing features of Spanish football. It is not illegal here for clubs to pay teams with nothing to play for to beat their opponents rather than just rolling over in seemingly meaningless fixtures. So in this case, Levante offered to try against Deportivo, Granada refused to pay them to do so and quite incredibly Levante lost…. 4-0…. at home, to the worst team in Spain right now. The problem is that although its not illegal to take additional payments to try harder it is very much illegal to take cash payments to not try at all. Putting this in writing or text is frowned upon even in Spain. This could end up in the criminal courts and does nothing for the reputation of Spanish sports.


Listen to this for a line up…. Europe, White Snake and Def Leppard! How much hair will be in evidence in June when these three Rock giants play open air in Spain? Loads, that’s how much. The tour visits San Sebastian, Madrid, Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela.

Other big acts worth seeing in the evening Spanish Sunshine are Bon Jovi, Springsteen, The killers, Muse, Iron Maiden and this year you can even grab tickets to see Julio Iglesias in Almeria if you are that way inclined.

All acts are listed on and tickets can easily be bought in Worldwide Horizons Travel next door to our office.

Worldwide Horizons, our local travel agency, are delighted to advise of their forthcoming new web page, Once completed, the new page will have access to hotels, flights, cruises and package deals worldwide, all without you ever having to visit their office! So for those of you that love to browse the internet for a bargain, look out for news of the launch date of the website, or better yet, sign up to receive their regular newsletters, by simply emailing them on [email protected] Great rates and deals to be had, both online and via their office in La Zenia, so don´t miss out!

Going on holiday? Need some cash?

Worldwide Horizons have signed up with Exact Change, a currency exchange company that can courier your desired currency to their office, ready for you holidays. So if it´s US Dollars, Japanese Yen or South African Rand, or any world currency at all, get a quote from the girls in the travel agency before you order – with no commission charged on currencies, how can you lose?

Property Of The Week

La Zenia – 110,000
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, heart of La Zenia, communal pool, kitchen, garden, balcony, viewing recommended

Speaking of offices…..

At least four people asked me this past month were we closing our head office to move up to the “new” office. I can officially announce here… Absolutely not. We´re so busy (genuinely) and we need the space so the new location is very much “as well as” rather than “instead of” the original office.


And here is the news we´ve all been waiting for regarding Spanish Energy Performance Certificates….

There is no news. Well, that’s not totally true…

The law has been passed in Spain that every Landlord and every house for sale “should” have a Spanish Energy Certificate, meaning that at the home owners expense an engineer must visit the property and rate it for efficiency of energy. (Are you kidding – Its hot here!) Anyway, the law was passed but nobody was aware of how serious it was. Is it more of a “sugge…” rather than a rule and despite what you are being told, no clarification exists on what fines will be faced by those not adhering the suggested law.

We´ve spoken to so many experts but all they are trying to do is sell their own services. We needed to get the definitive answer so we spoke directly to a notary. She assures us that its “needed” but rumours of massive fines for people not having it and indeed for estate agents advertising property without a certificate are wildly exaggerated. Most estate agents and legal firms are offering this service for about 250 euro.

We wanted to do something different from what every other estate agent in Spain is doing so therefore we are offering this service for: FREE, Nada, zip. That´s right, if you get your Energy Performance from either Spanish Solutions or Comaskey Properties it will in most cases be FREE. Is there anyone else who can beat this deal? I doubt it.

Check out the details below and sorry but I´ve been told to say this…
“this is limited time offer and we reserve the right to cancel, modify or change it in any way at any time”.

So here we go…

Kidneys and Dialysis

Torrevieja Hospital has this month started offering a holiday dialysis service for holiday makers in the region who are registered with the Irish Kidney Foundation or any of its European equivalents. All those who regularly need dialysis have to do is contact their local dialysis nurse who sends the relevant blood samples to Torrevieja and within 6 weeks they are welcome to take advantage of this free service.

Sounds like a great idea and even if patients do not book their holiday through Comaskey Properties, we love to see initiatives which make peoples lives better! Well done to all involved and in particular thanks Leontia for this information.

Pique and Shakira´s baby pic

This pic of the most photographed baby in Spain was taken with his mother who is a judge, (ironically enough) on a show called the Voice. Yup, that’s what made you famous Shakira, your voice.
Anyway, cute baby!

Paramount Theme Park

It just wont go away and every time it gets mentioned the chances that this thing will be built surely increase. Last week the Alhama council passed the final bit of legislation opening the door for Premursa to start construction on the Paramount park and Lifestyle Centre. I still have my doubts but someone is dumping many millions of euro into this and just maybe they know more about it than I do? Still no shovel in the ground but its heading in that direction.


The laws surrounding the granting of Spanish Residency to Non-EU citizens has changed again with Spain making it easier for Chinese people in particular to invest here.

The real estate industry is hardly in a shocking state despite what you´ll hear from certain commentators but can you imagine what an influx of Renimbi will do to the market?

The rules and regulations that you find with a simple google search are not true and it is possible to get residency ultimately leading to a European passport without too much upheaval.

If you are Chinese you do need to spend 183 days per year here, but its hardly the worst place in the world to have to live for half the year. Spanish solutions have forged a relationship with a guy working in the consulate in China who can help fast-track the process so if you have friends, clients or indeed if you yourself need help with your Spanish residency, please give Silvia a shout – [email protected]

Welcome to Alex

Comaskey Properties Rental division is happy to unveil our new signing… Alex Bartell joined us and already is proving to be a big success with our German, Spanish and “normal” clients too.

Welcome to the team, Alex.

Comaskey Rentals

If you are thinking of renting your property please contact us we have many clients waiting for good quality properties.


Comaskey Properties offers a professional Key-Holding and Property Management service for you and your property, giving you peace of mind while you are away.
PACKAGE 1 – 150 euro:

We can hold the keys to your property while you are away. This means that you can rest assured that your keys will be available, during office hours, to any persons authorised by you to access your property. (eg. Tradespeople, guests, etc)

PACKAGE 2 – 300 euro:

Our first property management package offers our standard keyholding services, together with monthly property checks and an emailed report to you, including:-

· security inspection of your property
· ventilation of your property
· visual inspection of your property, any damage found will be reported to you. We can recommend one of our network of trusted tradespeople to carry out
any works authorised by you.
· water and electricity services check·
· mailboxes checked and cleared

Of course, our packages can be tailored to suit. If you have any specific requirements, please let us know.

Last month there were 20,000 properties sold in Spain so by any measuring standard, that means property is moving again. Due to the supply on the market prices are static but as a client told ME yesterday… “now is the time to buy in Span”. We used to just use that as a sales line!

We will keep you informed on Spanish Energy Certificates, new taxes as they happen, theme parks and passports for sale – if you need to know something please just ask.

Lastly, especially to our friends and anyone who has worked with us in the past, please continue to use us for rentals, and particularly we need listings – that means we want to sell your house or your Friend’s house. Never assume we are too busy to not give you the service you deserve or worse still please don´t think that your business in not important to us – it is, and very much so!

Have a great summer,

Ian and the team.

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