Live In Spain Work In the UK – Comaskey Properties

Business insider has started to report on a new phenomenon which we first blogged about almost two years ago.  People who work in the UK are moving to Spain and commuting to work. The example they use in this weeks issue of the magazine is of Sam Cookney, a Londoner who travels via Ryanair from Barcelona to London city every single day!!  He worked out the costs of owning a home in London, added transport and the usual costs of living and compared it to his figures if he owned an apartment in Spain instead – The numbers added up and now the 32 year old social media manager leaves Spain every day and is still at his desk in London by 9.30 am.

OK, this is taking it to extremes but with more and more jobs becoming “location independent” Spain is very often the perfect destination for workers who do not necessarily need to clock in every day.   Many jobs allow people to work from home three or four days per week, why not make the Costa Blanca your home. It’s perfect, you can earn in GBP Sterling and spend in Euro. The Spanish Wifi is fast, the cost of living is lower in La Zenia than any other part of the UK, Ireland or Scandinavia and as you’ll be aware, it’s sunny here!!  It’s also a great life for the kids as we documented in previous blog posts.

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