Life left in your years? – Comaskey Properties

“And in the end its not the years left in our life, its the life left in your years”Abraham Lincoln

We are all getting closer to the end of our lives- since you started reading this, you’ve gone even closer. We cant decide when we fall off the perch, but we can control how much life is left in those (hopefully many!) years we have in front of us. Is it better to live your life in Spain?? Dont know but…. The cost of living is half if that in Ireland or the UK but the way of life is far better than that. We are gently awoke in the morning by the sun tugging at our eye lids and that is a better way to

start your day. I have no science to back that up, but trust me, its better. The traffic jams are caused by people going to the beach, not by floods in July and yes, that 30 seconds of delay on the road will not ruin your day.

The 1euro glass of wine you´re drinking tastes a bit better than the 5 euro glass you get in London, thats if you can find a glass of wine in London for that price. Lost your Calloway ball on the first tee of a warm, dry round of golf- dont worry, you´ll find a Titleist on the bush, hit it and carry on. Internet is faster, rents are lower, food, TV and booze are all cheaper, the sun is sunnier and the beach is, well… the beach! Still not sure if you should move to Spain?? Come and take a look-, easy and half a dozen other airlines will do the hard work and fly you over here.

Still not sure?

What’s that ticking noise?

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