La Zenia roundabout spruced up for summer – Comaskey Properties

Do you remember the panic locally when the Ministry for Roads in Alicante wanted to close off a number of roads around La Zenia roundabout? The Ministry in its wisdom had planned to close of Calle Maestro Torralba and Calle Alhambra entirely! Thankfully, lobbying at a local level ensured that this madness was avoided.
The Ministry agreed on new plans to turn these two streets into a new one way system with access from the roundabout onto the N332.
The works are now well underway and we are seeing that the former parking area in front of Al Fresco has been installed with artificial grass. An area opposite is being created to add additional parking and on the other side, in front of Deutschebank, a footpath is being built to allow continuity of pedestrian flow to Avenida del Mar and those using the foot bridge.
By narrowing Calle Alhambra to a one-way system, builders have also made it possible to change the line of parking spaces into a formation at an angle, which will enable easier access and more space for cars to park.
The work is being carried out by the company Pavasal, which has a lot of experience in carrying out this type of roadworks for the Ministry. As an added bonus, Pavasal was also the cheapest of the three tenders received, at a price of approximately €46,000. The amount is being financed by the Planning Department in Orihuela.

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