Inspection trips to the Costa Blanca – Comaskey Properties

During the boom years in Spain I think us estate agents, as well as selling millions of euro worth of Spanish Property, we fuelled the illegal cigarette industry- We had so many clients coming over on free “viewing trips” to fill their cases with fags which they would then sell to their family and co workers. Its funny now but at the time it was soul destroying. We stopped the inspection trip or viewing trip as some called it when the crash came in 2009.

Well, we are back in the cigarette importation, I mean, Inspection trip business.

For clients who are serious about buying property in Spain in 2015, either new or resale, we are delighted to offer the following inspection trips:

You book your flight to Spain. We´ll pick you up in Murcia or Alicante airport. Next we will provide you with accommodation here in La Zenia at absolutely no cost to you.

If you buy a new development, we will also make sure the builder refunds the total cost of your flight. This can be done in conjunction with other special offers too, but just check with the sales person or Tracie at this office to be sure.

If you buy resale, that’s great too. We´ll cover the cost of your accommodation, plus a meal or two and even few cold ones if time permits.

Inspection visits are typically 3 days or so- Again we can be a bit flexible on this, within reason. We had someone looking to book a ten free inspection trip last Christmas/New year for him, the wife, two kids and his brothers family too. We may have lost a sale but we passed on the opportunity!

Other estate agents offer cheaper inspection trips we know. We want to distinguish our services not just on price but on the quality of care we will give you and the property, legal and taxation knowledge that ONLY our company can offer to you.

Please don’t choose us just because we can save you money, choose us because of the customer care we offer.

We are Spain´s most often recommended real estate agent.

Get in touch and find out how we can help you.

Before you ask, no, I don’t know where you can buy cartons of cigarettes!!

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