How to photograph your property for sale – Comaskey Properties

When you are selling your Spanish property, one of the key elements is having the correct photographs. The photos are the first impression you give to potential buyers and done correctly, can capture their imaginations and lead to a successful sale. We have all seen terrible estate agent photos – bad lighting, untidy rooms, and worse! But what are the keys to getting it right?

Having sold over 200 million euro worth of Spanish property in and around La Zenia over the last decade, we asked Ian Comaskey for his top five tips when photographing your property for sale.

Ian told us, “The first thing I’d stress is that you don’t need a fancy expensive camera. Most smartphones have decent enough cameras and as long as you know how to use it, you should be able to get good results. Whether you are using a smartphone, compact camera or a more sophisticated model, check your settings. Often, devices will have an automatic setting which adjusts the backlight, white balance and colour. If you know a bit more about cameras, do experiment – that is the beauty of digital photography, you are not restricted to a roll of film! You can keep clicking until you feel you get it right. Using a smartphone means you can post your photos online there and then, and there are some brilliant apps for photo editing – adding filters, focal blurs and effects can really enhance an image. Free apps include Instagram and Pixlr Express, but check your app store, read the reviews and find one that suits your needs and abilities.”

Ian continued, “Once you have chosen how you are going to take the photos, you need to set the scene. Nothing puts a potential buyer off more quickly than a cluttered photo. Even if you temporarily move things around to accommodate the photo, that is ok. You are trying to create the best impression possible of your home. Make sure the place is tidy, move mops and buckets out of the way. Close cupboard doors and make sure the toilet lid is down! You might consider adding a vase of flowers or a throw. All of these little adjustments can make all the difference in the final result. Open the shutters and let lots of Spanish sunshine in. If there is too much backlight at a particular time of day, try taking the photo in the early evening – or even with the shutter down, using your flash.”

Another key to taking a good photo is your own physical position. Ian explained, “Don’t just point and shoot. Think about the angle. Hold the camera higher, or lower to see how you are going to get the best angle of the room. Stand out in a hallway or on a chair to get more of the room in view.”

Lighting can make a real difference, added Ian. He told us, “Obviously, not everyone selling their Spanish property is a professional photographer with specialized equipment. However, you would be surprised at what you can achieve at home with what you have. For example, take the windscreen cover out of your car and use it as a reflector. Find someone to hold it for you or prop it up. A reflector will help you to direct the natural light already in the room to enhance your subject.”

Finally, Ian suggests a good range of photos. “Choose the property’s best features,” he explains, “But remember that a buyer will want to see the key elements such as the exterior, living area and bedrooms. A key point to bear in mind is how the photos are going to be viewed – you might need to ensure the photos are landscape as opposed to portrait to avoid unnecessary cropping. You might need to reduce the file size –again, there are many apps which will do this for you for free. Another idea is to consider taking photographs of the local amenities and beauty spots. If your property is within walking distance to Zenia Boulevard shopping centre, why not take a photo? You could include images of the salt lakes in Torrevieja, the beach at Cabo Roig – anything you think will sell the Spanish lifestyle to potential buyers.”

So to recap, Ian’s five top tips for getting the most out of photographing your property for sale are:

  1. Camera or smartphone: Whichever you choose, decide which device you are going to use and make the most of the settings available to achieve the best results.
  2. Set the scene: What can you add to, or remove from, the photo to make it more appealing.
  3. Angle it right: Try different angles to see the best of the property. Try chest height, floor level or even stand on a chair.
  4. Lighting is key: Use natural light, the device’s own flash or even improvise with a reflector or a lamp.
  5. Show off the best features: Offer potential buyers a snapshot of the property’s best features, for example an impressive garden, a large communal pool or a stylish living area.

If you have a property for sale on in La Zenia, or anywhere on the the Costa Blanca, and would like one of Ian’s team to visit and give you a free valuation, don’t hesitate to get in touch on 966 77 34 53 or email [email protected]

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