Getting To Know The Costa Blanca – Part 2 – Comaskey Properties

Variety of life

One of the benefits of the Costa Blanca is the region’s huge variety. There is something for everyone within the area.

For those who are looking for sun, sand and sangria then Benidorm is the place for you. It is one of the area’s most famous resorts with its popular nightlife, wide range of restaurants, bars and never ending choices of water sports. The city’s high-rise buildings are visible from miles away as you approach it by road.

Alicante is a slightly more laid back version of Benidorm, with fantastic beaches, shopping as well as offering Spanish culture.

Castillo Santa Barbara, one of the largest medieval castles in Spain, is perched on the mountains behind the city.

If you are looking for peace and quiet, and a taste of traditional Spain then the tiny hamlet of Tormos would be more your style. The quaint little village still follows the traditional customs and siestas. The narrow cobbled streets are ruled by local children and cats as opposed to tourists, and you are more likely to find old men playing dominoes in the shade than you are tourists recovering from sunburn and hangovers. It is a very traditional area, focused on growing fruit, although there is some tourism there, especially hikers making the most of the neighboring mountains.

Next steps

Once you’ve located the region you want to buy in it’s important to view a few properties. The build quality in Costa Blanca is usually very high, but don’t be tempted to buy without looking around the property first. Please speak to Comaskey properties to get more specific property knowledge.

The next step is to get legal advice. No matter what language you speak it should be easy to find legal assistance in Costa Blanca and the lawyers are very used to dealing with buyers of all nationalities. The most reliable way to find a trustworthy lawyer is through referrals, whether it be from a friend, a colleague or your estate agent. Not all Costa Blancan lawyers have clean reputations so it is worth getting advice before you commit to one. Ask for an initial consultation and then get a second opinion. There are many fine lawyers apart from Spanish Solutions, and many terrible ones too.

A local legal representative, known as a Gestor, will help make what seems a complex move into a simple step into a sunnier life. They can help you with a whole range of areas such as work permits, licenses, pensions, bank accounts, ensuring your property is debt free, that it is in line with planning regulations and your benefits and healthcare. It may seem tempting to save a few pennies by doing it all yourself, but chances are you will save more money in the long run by getting advice from a good lawyer.

Once you have bought your dream property in Spain it will be liable for Capital Gains Tax if you sell it. Previously non-residents had to pay a higher rate, but this has now been equaled out to 18% for everyone.

You can still receive your state pension living in Spain as well as the annual increase because Spain is in the EEA. Give some thought to where you get it paid as if you have a non-Euro bank account you will loose out through currency conversion when you withdraw it. You can also pay into private pensions and will receive tax relief on the first £3,600 paid in each year for the first five years.

This piece is courtesy of Jennifer Walters.

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