Gas Scams in Spain – The Facts – Comaskey Properties

We can become rather irritated by the frequency of people turning up at our door or telephoning saying that they need to do a gas inspection. So; the facts: current legislation states that fixed gas installations must be checked every 5 years. The intention is to ensure that fixings that could degrade are checked and repaired so that the supply is safe.  You are responsible for making sure a gas installation company regulated by the Ministry of Industry performs these inspections.

If you use an unauthorised inspector and an accident happens then you may have problems and be held responsible. In the event an insurance claim is made relating to a gas incident, you have to prove that your installations have been checked very 5 years. Repsol and CEPSA are the safest companies to use for expats, but they are happy for you to use other authorised companies. Be very wary of using anyone turning up at your door. They may be a company that checks gas but not properly authorised and will almost certainly overcharge you.

Repsol customer service is 901 100 100 and their maintenance people have to be booked. They will NEVER turn up unauthorised at your house.  The inspections cost about 80€ and can be booked by ringing the customer service number. There are companies who are legally licenced to carry out inspections but they often cold call to book inspections and then are very expensive. There will also be illegal scammers who pose as licenced inspectors and wear uniforms, carry badges etc. but then charge a fortune, or even worse are robbers. Do not be bullied to letting anyone in and if they ask to see your maintenance contract say you are with Repsol and you do not require their services.

So, in summary. Gas installations must be checked every 5 years. It is wise to contact a company yourself and arrange an appointment. Never agree to an annual maintenance contract; it is not necessary, and never let anyone in unless you have arranged it.

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