Franchising Tips For Potential Investors – Comaskey Properties

Is franchising a real estate company in Spain for you?

We took an article from “What-franchise” magazine and modified it slightly here to sound relevant for the Costa Blanca market but the message is the same, be careful before becoming a franchisee. 

Our new division is a franchise division. Comaskey intend to create a winning formula, a system for investors and budding estate agents to follow and allow them to achieve a new sense of purpose in Spain, leaving the daily grind behind them. Perhaps you are considering buying into another franchised brand, not necessarily Comaskey and the basics are all relevant regardless..

The first tip Stuart White, author gives us is ask yourself,  “Can I afford to buy this franchise”?

Yes, it sounds blunt, but we need to ask you the question. We can’t allow you to buy a franchise if we do not think you will be successful. If you do not have the resources to support your lifestyle for at the very least four months, until your office becomes profitable, then you can’t make a go of this opportunity.

It’s very cold hearted we know, but we simply must do the relevant credit and financial checks on you to ensure you do not make the mistake of signing on the dotted line while putting yourself at an immediate disadvantage. We do not want you to be stressed that you absolutely have to make a sale to survive the first few months-  your clients will feel your desperation and it become a vicious circle. The costs of transport, phones, an office lease (or even a commercial unit purchase), refurbishments, computers and equipment all add up and that’s before you even think about hiring staff.Other attributes you should exhibit are good people skills, passions and the right attitude. If you have these, your odds of success dramatically increase.
Do you think you’ll actually enjoy being an estate agent in Spain? Do you actually enjoy helping people and finding out what they need from their property purchase on the Costa Blanca? Do you know what the role really involves? Sometimes sales can be tough, it’s not all about lounging around the pool sipping cocktails with your clients!Most people believe you must be a salesperson to success run a real estate business – I believe that an ability to relate to people is much more important. People buy you, not the property. If you can listen, really understand their needs then use our system to match the right property to the right client, you’ve got a great chance of a great new start in Spain!A hard sell is a very old fashioned way to do things and not something that Comaskey promote. Some Spanish estate agents still use the hard sell to reasonable success but we prefer to show the clients the right house and let them fall in love without the pressure.

If you are not passionate about the Comaskey brand and system then this is unlikely to work out. We tell all our clients all the time that we are the best estate agency (in our opinion) to deal with. If you do not feel the same then how can you possibly convince your clients of this? We think buying property in Spain represents a great investment from lifestyle and financial reasons- you too must believe this.  This opportunity is not a 9-5 job. You will find yourself working in the evenings while socialising with your property buyers. Spain does not operate in office hours and real estate in Spain even more so!Are you going to work with a husband, wife or family member? Have you worked together previously? For our personal past experience, we strongly argue against partnerships, but if that the structure you want to employ, ask us and we’ll discuss during one of our three face to face meetings in La Zenia.

The very last piece of paraphrased advice from “What-franchise” is to trust the system. The Comaskey real estate system works, and has done since 2002. Sure, come up with innovations and ideas to present to the Comaskey team but you’ll be given a play book in the form of a Standard operating manual and we want you to stick to it.
Reinventing the wheel will not work in a franchise situation.If you are interested in an initial meeting with a Comaskey Franchise expert please give us a shout in La Zenia.
Our belief is that franchising works, the comaskey real estate system works and people want to be in Spain- Maybe this is the opportunity you´ve been looking for?

Give us a shout today and show us how enthusiastic you are for a new beginning!

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