Can you sing? Zenia Boulevard wants to hear from you! – Comaskey Properties

Zenia Boulevard is the venue for a country-wide talent search next month. Local singers, young and old, are being called upon to enter a brand new competition entitled “Encantanos”.
The contest takes place across nine commercial centres around Spain with the grand final taking place at our very own Zenia Boulevard on July 11th 2015.
To enter, all you need to do is record a video of yourself singing (the video should not be longer than one minute) and upload it, along with your details, to the competition website
The deadline for entries is June 28th 2015. Local semi finals in La Zenia take place between July 4th and 5th. There are two categories – Adults (over 16), for which the overall prize is €3000 cash, and children (aged 8 to 16) for which the prize is an iPad mini.
The Adults’ semi final takes place on July 4th and for Children on July 5th. To be in with a chance to win your place and to perform at Zenia Boulevard, go to the competition website and upload your video.
There is such a wealth of local talent here on the Costa Blanca, we are sure that we’ll see some familiar faces on the stage and hopefully, making it through to the grand final.

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