Bonfires of St John – Alicante June 2014 – Comaskey Properties

Looking for something different to do in June? The Hogueras de San Juan (Bonfires of St John) is celebrated through all parts of Spain, but Alicante has the biggest festival. People gather together and create large bonfires from any kind of wood and light an awful lot of fireworks.

The activities date back to 1928 when they decided to make it a major event in Alicante, but originally go back much further than that. On the 20th June huge monuments of paper and wood characterising the humorous side of politicians or Spanish historical characters are built all over the city, similar to those of the “Fallas” of Valencia, then four days later they are burnt in the “crema”. Afterwards there is a huge fireworks display at St Barbara Castle that can be seen all over Alicante.

The statues and the floats are incredible and it is really a shame that they are ceremoniously burned at midnight on St Johns Night.
The programme this year is below:

19th June
2pm La Plaza de Los Luceros, there is a competition/show of fireworks and sound for just over 6 minutes that carries on every day called “Las Mascletás”

20th June:

2pm Second competition of Mascletás. Plaza de los Luceros.
11pm Light show, sound and pyrotechnics la Avenida Maisonnave on the coner of Óscar Esplá.

2pm Third competition of Mascletás. Plaza de los Luceros.
7pm Flowers procession ( 1st session). Itinerary:
Alfonso X Av, Rambla Méndez Núñez, San José st, Cathedral of Saint Nicholas ( Abad Penalva Square), Mayor St, Rafael Altamira St and Town Hall Square.

Sat 22nd June
11am. Parade Awards. From the Town Hall Square to the Explanada de España
1pm. Giants and big heads of the City of Alicante. From Town Hall square to the Luceros Square.
2pm. Fourth competion of Mascletás Contest. Los Luceros square.
7pm.Flowers procession ( 2nd session). Itinerary:
Alfonso X Av, Rambla Méndez Núñez, San José st, Cathedral of Saint Nicholas ( Abad Penalva Square), Mayor St, Rafael Altamira St and Town Hall Square.
Mon 24th June:
11am Prizegiving. Concha de la Explanada.
1pm Giants and big heads of the City of Alicante. From Town Hall square to the Luceros Square.
2pm. 5th Session Mascletás Contest. Los Luceros Square.
7pm. Bullfighting. Ranch Alcurrucen to bullfighters
8pm. Fogueres Oficial Mass, Cathedral of Saint Nicholas.
12pm Monumental Palm ( Fireworks). Summit of Monte Benacantil.
Following that: Oficial Foguera and Oficial Childhood Foguera’s cremà. Town Hall Square
25th June
00.00h. 63rd International Fireworks Contest. Coco Beach.
Following this, Fireworks on Paseo Gómiz ( Postiguet beach).
26th June
00.00h. 63rd International Fireworks Contest. Coco Beach.
Following this, Fireworks on Paseo Gómiz ( Postiguet beach).
27th June
00.00h. 63rd International Fireworks Contest. Coco Beach. Following this, Fireworks on Paseo Gómiz ( Postiguet beach)
28th June
00.00h. 63rd International Fireworks Contest. Coco Beach. Following this, Fireworks on Paseo Gómiz ( Postiguet beach).
29th June

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