A Few More Points About Living & Working On The Costa Blanca – Comaskey Properties

Last week we blogged ‘5 jobs you can start today in La Zenia’.


Since that, a few important points and questions have been raised, and I will address them here.

Legal and tax stuff

Spain is a member of the EU so you dont need any special visa to work here if you hold a european passport. You do need to get yourself onto their slightly confusing system however. Our relationship with Spanish Solutions legal and tax firm (www.spanishsolutions.net) is constantly growing and I personally use them to do everything relating to work contracts, taxation etc. I have a family here in Spain who all receive free health and education due to the fact I pay my taxes in Spain. My company effectively employs me. This is an important factor and cannot be overstated, … get legal and get paying tax!


If on the other hand you do not hold a passport from a European country, its do-able but talk to Spanish Solutions before you even get on the plane.


Next point…

And the answer to the question is ‘yes why not?’  The question we were asked was ‘can I establish my hairdressing, light engineering, tiling, gardening, business in La Zenia?’  We already work with some great people and we’ve helped establish many successful firms and self employed tradespeople. We’re not suddenly going to stop giving them referrals but we can introduce you to them and we’ll see what we can all do together.



During the summer in particular, we have thousands of kids, and very few babysitters. Sounds obvious but for parents to be able to go out in the evening knowing the kids are perfectly safe is a huge thing. Problem is, reliability. Our most recent ex- babysitter cancelled two hours before we were due to go out for a dinner outing we had booked her for weeks before, because she remembered it was Saturday night and she too wanted to go out. Do you think there may be a market if that’s the competition?


Other areas I think are not properly tapped

English lessons for children – I mean proper ones. Kuman.com for example would be booked out solidly if it actually existed on the Costa Blanca with Spanish and ex- pat children.   Staying with children (yes, you can see I just got one!!) classes for golf, karate, computer coding, Russian, maths – why not set up and run a little school here? Spanish kids spend thousands every summer going to Ireland and the UK to learn English – why not bring them to La Zenia and teach them here?


Virtual assistants, bookkeepers, office designers, computer and social media experts, consultants and just about any service you can offer can find a niche in a ‘communication age’ and you can find a home for yourself and your new business on the Orihuela Costa, Spain.


Contact Comaskey Spanish properties if we can help you. We are much more than just a super efficient Spanish estate agents!

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